2002年9月- 2006年7月 华中师范大学 物理学学士学位
2006年9月-2011年7月 华中师范大学 生理学博士学位
2011年7月- 2018.6 华中师范大学 讲师
2015年3月-2017年7月 马里兰大学巴尔的摩郡分校 研究助理
2018年7月-至今 华中师范大学 副教授
1. 2024年主持军工类项目,声波区域汇聚效果试验数据采集与分析,在研
2. 2023年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,普氏蹄蝠听中枢适应高强度声环境的生理机制研究,在研
3. 2020年参与国家自然科学基金面上项目,听觉反馈在回声定位蝙蝠发声控制中的作用研究,结项
4. 2020年主持中央高校基本科研业务费探索创新项目,干扰声条件下大蹄蝠声信号识别和加工的生理机制研究,结项
5. 2019年主持湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,高度杂波空间中声信息的识别和加工机制研究,结项
1. Cui ZD, Zou JW, Zhou YT, Cao YT, Song HN, Xu HY, Wu J, Jin BL, Yang LJ, Jia Y, Chen QC, Fu ZY. (2025). Vocalization-induced middle ear muscle reflex and auditory fovea do not contribute to the unimpaired auditory sensitivity after intense noise exposure in the CF-FM bat, Hipposideros pratti. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 211:53–67. (Corresponding author)
2. Liu ZX, He YJ, Li WH, Cui SX, Fu ZY, Wang X. (2025). Amplifying sound intensity of key words in discourse promotes memory in female college students. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 68(1):16-25. (Co-Corresponding author)
3. Yu D, Li TY, Ding QM, Wu Y, Fu ZY, Zhan X, Yang LJ, Jia Y. (2024). Maintenance of delay-period activity in working memory task is modulated by local network structure. PLOS Computational Biology, 20(9): e1012415.
4. Wu Y, Huang WF, Ding QM, Jia Y, Yang LJ, Fu ZY. (2024). Enhancing orderly signal propagation between layers of neuronal networks through spike timing-dependent plasticity. Physics Letters A, 519: 129721.
5. Zou JW, Jin BL, Ao YQ, Han YQ, Huang BH, Jia YY, Yang LJ, Jia Y, Chen QC, Fu ZY*. (2023). Spectrally non-overlapping background noise disturbs echolocation via acoustic masking in the CF-FM bat, Hipposideros pratti. Conservation Physiology, 11(1): coad017. (Corresponding author)
6. Zhang GM, Cui ZD, Fan ZH, Yang LJ, Jia Y, Chen QC, Fu ZY*. (2023). Background noise responding neurons in the inferior colliculus of the CF-FM bat, Hipposideros pratti. Hearing Research, 432: 108742. (Corresponding author)
7. Xiao FL, Fu ZY, Jia Y, Yang LJ. (2023). Resonance Effects in Neuronal-Astrocyte Model with Ion Channel Blockage. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 166, 112969.
8. Cui ZD#, Zhang GM#, Zhou DD, Wu J, Liu L, Tang J, Chen QC, Fu ZY*. (2021). The second harmonic neurons in auditory midbrain of Hipposideros pratti are more tolerant to background white noise. Hearing Research 400:108142. (Corresponding author)
9. Zhang GM#, Cui ZD#, Wu J, Jin BL, Zhou DD, Liu L, Tang T, Chen QC, Fu ZY*. (2021) Constant resting frequency and auditory midbrain neuronal frequency analysis of Hipposideros pratti in background white noise. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15: 657155. (Corresponding author)
10. Lemons K, Fu ZY, Ogura T, Lin W*. (2020). TRPM5-expressing microvillous cells regulate region-specific cell proliferation and apoptosis during chemical exposure. Neuroscience 434: 171-190.
11. Fu ZY#, Xu N#, Zhang GM, Zhou DD, Liu L, Tang J, Jen PHS*, Chen QC*. (2019). Evoked potential study of the inferior collicular response to constant frequency-frequency modulation (CF-FM) sounds in FM and CF-FM bats. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 205(2): 239-252. (First author)